Official Government Website

Forms & Applications

Oil and Gas Reporting Entities - Please note the following:

As of April 2018, the Department requires that all monthly oil and gas reports be filed on the revised forms. Copies of those forms can be downloaded from the list below. If you intend to file an application or monthly report for oil and gas activities, please make sure you have downloaded the most current form from this page.

The first document in this list is a fee schedule for each application. In addition to mailed payments, a payment can be made online by clicking the “Make a Payment” icon at the bottom of this page.

Applications Involving a Hearing

Per Idaho Code Title 47, Chapter 3, the Division Administrator has set regularly scheduled hearing dates for applications involving a hearing. Applications and supporting documents shall be submitted to the Department at least forty-five (45) days prior to the hearing date or be continued to the next scheduled hearing date. The hearing schedule can be found on the Administrative Hearings page.

Class II Injection Wells

Since 2018, the Class II Underground Injection Control (UIC) well program in Idaho has been administered by EPA Region 10 under Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Information on the application process for a Class II injection well can be found on the EPA Class II UIC page. Information on the EPA Region 10 UIC Program can be found on the Region 10 UIC page.

ver: 4.1.2 | last updated: