OGCC Secretary Update

Mick Thomas

Division Administrator – Minerals, Public Trust, and Oil & Gas

Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

This update was sent to the Commission on Friday, March 6.

Current Items:
Spacing Application Received
Pipeline / Gathering Line
Class II Application
Official Transfer of Wells to Snake River Oil & Gas
Extension of Active Status for Barlow #1-14 and Fallon #1-10
Bond Acceptance
4th Quarter 2019 Commission Report
News Article(s) of Interest

Spacing Application Received
On Monday, February 24, 2020, the Department received an application from Snake River Oil & Gas for a spacing order consisting of the E ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 9, SW ¼ Section 10, N ½ of the N ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 15, and the N ½ of the NE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 16, N Township 8 North, Range 5 West, Boise Meridian, Payette County, Idaho. The application and other supplemental information are posted to the OGCC Website on the Administrative Hearings page under Docket No. CC-2020-OGR-01-001.

Pipeline / Gathering Line
Gathering lines continue to be installed and the borings are underway in preparation for the development of wells in the Harmon field. In recent conversations with the operator it appears that initial construction may be completed by early summer. These lines will not be operational until construction is finished and the necessary testing is completed in coordination with the Public Utilities Commission.

Class II Application
Snake River Oil & Gas is in the process of transferring the Class II application from the prior operator. I will keep the Commission updated as this progresses.

Official Transfer of Wells to Snake River Oil & Gas
The Department recognizes the transfer of the operations to SROG as well as the well permits. (PDF 1, PDF 2, PDF 3)

Extension of Active Status for Barlow #1-14 and Fallon #1-10
In light of infrastructure development in the field, the Department has granted a 12-month extension for the Barlow and Fallon wells. (PDF)

Bond Acceptance
The Department has received and accepted surety bonds for the listed wells. Note that the Tracy Trust is on an individual bond since it is inactive. (PDF)

4th Quarter 2019 Commission Report
Since we do not have a scheduled Commission meeting this month, we’ve attached the 4th quarter report for 2019. Please contact me or James Thum with any questions. (PDF)

News Article(s) of Interest
Alta Mesa closes Texas Headquarters:

Oil and gas executives respond to Democratic presidential candidates using full page ad in NY times.

Commissioner Renee Love to run for Idaho District 5 seat.

Judge Cancels Oil and Gas Leases on some sage grouse lands.