OGCC Secretary Update

Mick Thomas

Division Administrator – Minerals, Public Trust, and Oil & Gas

Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

This update was sent to the Commission on Friday, April 3.

Current Items:
Pipeline / Gathering Line
Class II Application
Impact of COVID-19 Response
Challis Earthquake 03/31/2020
News Article(s) of Interest

Pipeline / Gathering Line
Pipeline construction continues. Initial pressure test between the Little Willow facility and the Barlow well are being conducted currently.

Class II Application
No update from the last email. The Class II approval has been delayed as a result of the COVID-19 response. The technical review of the application has already been completed. The department continues to monitor the application / approval process and will update the Commission as it develops.

Impact of COVID-19 Response
Shelter-in-place guidance continues to be followed at all IDL offices. Each office is closed to the public, but staff are available by appointment. While MPOG staff are not required to work in the office there is solid work being done with field inspections, RBDMS, and many mineral specific projects beyond Oil & Gas.

Challis Earthquake 03/31/2020
As you know, there was a significant seismic event in Central Idaho on Tuesday evening. Immediately after the quake Snake River Oil and Gas (as well as mine operators across the state) began a series of inspections of facilities, lines, and other structures in order to evaluate the impact of the quake. The Minerals, Public Trust, and Oil & Gas division coordinated with operators and state and local agencies in the evaluation. There are no reported issues associated with the quake.

The Idaho Geological Survey had teams on site in Central Idaho by Thursday morning. IDL staff inspected the Payette field wells and operations yesterday as well. We have confirmed there are not leaks or other issues with wells or facilities. I’ve included a pdf of the update email I sent out yesterday (PDF). Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information.

News Article(s) of Interest
E&E – 3 ways coronavirus is upending the oil industry (PDF.)

U.S. pressing ahead with oil, gas lease sales

Court clears way for rollback of Obama-era fracking policy

Alta Mesa bankruptcy settlement approaching agreement