Updated website to launch on May 2, 2023

On May 2, 2023, the OGCC will be launching an updated website.  The new website will be more ADA compliant and include better graphics. If you experience issues with the new launch, please notify the Department through the “Contact Us” information at the top of the page.

February Monthly Report

Note: This post was originally posted on April 12, 2023. Due to switching over to the updated website format, the post had to be re-posted. 

The February 2023 monthly report is now available. Please see the Monthly and Annual Reports page for more information.

OGCC Secretary Update – April 2023

Note: This post was originally posted on April 12, 2023. Due to switching over to the updated website format, the post had to be re-posted. 

Mick Thomas

Division Administrator – Minerals, Navigable Waters, and Oil & Gas

Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

This update was sent to the Commission on Friday, April 7, 2023.

April 2023 Secretary Update

Current Items:
Docket No. CC-2023-OGR-01-001, Application for Integration
2023 Legislature – Oil and Gas Statute
Payette County Commission Meeting
Oil and Gas Townhall
Injection Well Update
Field Status
News Article(s) of Interest
Current Prices

Docket No. CC-2023-OGR-01-001, Application for Integration
The Department received an Application for Integration from Snake River Oil & Gas, LLC on January 23, 2023. The Department held the hearing to determine “just and reasonable” factors on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. The Administrator has 30 days from the hearing to provide a final order on “just and reasonable” factors and will meet that time requirement. More information for this application and hearing can be found on the Docket No. CC-2023-OGR-01-001 hearing webpage.

2023 Legislature – Oil and Gas Statute
HB 120 – The revisions to the Idaho Oil and Gas Act – passed this session through both the house and the senate and is reported signed by the Governor on April 4th.
In both the house and the senate, the bill received bipartisan support.
• In the house the bill passed 62-6-2 with 56 republicans and six democrats voting yes, one republican and five democrats voting no, and two republicans not present.
• In the senate the bill passed 26-9 with 22 republicans and four democrats voting yes, six republicans and three democrats voting no.
The bill is on track to become law effective July 1, 2023. More details can be found at our OGCC website: Idaho Code title 47, chapter 3 – Proposed Statutory Changes | Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

Payette County Commission Meeting
I’ve been asked to discuss the revisions of the Idaho Oil and Gas Act with the Payette County Commissioners at their monthly meeting. The meeting is during the day on Monday, April 10, at 1:15 p.m. The meeting is at the Payette County Courthouse 1130 3rd Ave N, Payette.

Oil and Gas Townhall
On Wednesday, April 12, I will be holding an Oil and Gas Townhall meeting in Fruitland, Idaho to answer questions from the public on oil and gas related matters. The meeting will be from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at Fruitland City Hall, 200 S. Whitley Dr.

Injection Well Update
On November 3, 2022 EPA Region 10 issued a Class II Disposal Well Permit to Snake River Oil and Gas, LLC and approved an associated Aquifer Exemption for the Willow Sand in Willow Field. The permit took effect December 19, 2022 at 12:01 AM. Snake River has been in communication with EPA regarding the reservoir testing process as part of bringing the injection well online.

Field Status
Snake River Oil & Gas is currently replacing the older compressor unit at Little Willow with two smaller compressors which will be easier to maintain. At the same time, they are installing a larger slug catcher and pig launcher for the Harmon Gathering System at Little Willow.

Yes, the oil industry has some fascinating terminology for equipment.
• A slug catcher is a piece of static equipment in the form of a vessel or piping network. It contains sufficient buffer volume to handle the largest expected slug from the oil & gas pipeline systems or flowlines.
• A pig launcher is used with the wax removal balls used to clear pipelines of accumulated wax or other solids in a pipeline. The method of clearing pipelines is called “pigging” and is used in a number of long-distance operations in Idaho where material is transported via pipeline. Most commonly during cooler months when there is condensation or solidification in the line. The Idaho phosphate industry and oil & gas industry are just a couple of examples where this process is used. The benefits of the “pigging” process are simplicity, reliability, and ability to be done without bringing the pipeline offline during the process.

News Article(s) of Interest
Interior Department proposes conservation leases on public lands

Major oil companies dominate $264 Million GOM lease sale

Judge Rules BLM wrongfully halted oil & gas lease sales in North Dakota

Current Prices

NW Natural Gas (EIA) $3.61 MMBtu.    04/05/23 (41.7% / $1.90 decrease since last month)
NGL (EIA) $7.36 MMBtu.    04/05/23 (17.9% / $1.45 decrease since last month)
WTI $80.61 bbl.   04/05/23 (6.4% / $5.01 increase since last month)


State officials will hold oil and gas town hall meeting April 12 in Fruitland

Note: This post was originally posted on March 31, 2023. Due to switching over to the updated website format, the post had to be re-posted. 

The Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) will hold a town hall meeting from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. on April 12 at Fruitland City Hall, 200 S. Whitley Dr. in Fruitland.

Mick Thomas, IDL Division Administrator and Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Secretary, will give a short update regarding oil and gas activity in Payette County and then answer questions from the public.

Media Advisory 

January Monthly Report

Note: This post was originally posted on March 16, 2023. Due to switching over to the updated website format, the post had to be re-posted. 

The January 2023 monthly report is now available. Please see the Monthly and Annual Reports page for more information.

OGCC Secretary Update – March 2023

Note: This post was originally posted on March 14, 2023. Due to switching over to the updated website format, the post had to be re-posted. 

Mick Thomas

Division Administrator – Minerals, Navigable Waters, and Oil & Gas

Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

This update was sent to the Commission on Saturday, March 11, 2023.

March 2023 Secretary Update

Current Items:

Docket No. CC-2022-OGR-01-002, Application for Integration
Docket No. CC-2023-OGR-01-001, Application for Integration
2023 Legislature – Oil and Gas Statute
Oil and Gas Townhall
Oil and Gas Financial Snapshot
Field Status
Commission 4th Quarter Report
News Article(s) of Interest
Current Prices

Docket No. CC-2022-OGR-01-002, Application for Integration
The order for this case was sent out on March 7, 2023. More information for this application and hearing can be found on the Docket No. CC-2022-OGR-01-002 hearing webpage.

Docket No. CC-2023-OGR-01-001, Application for Integration
The Department received an Application for Integration from Snake River Oil & Gas, LLC on January 23, 2023. The Department has scheduled the hearing to determine “just and reasonable” factors for Tuesday, March 14, 2023. More information for this application and hearing can be found on the Docket No. CC-2023-OGR-01-001 hearing webpage.

2023 Legislature – Oil and Gas Statute
On March 7, I presented H0120 to the House Resources and Conservation Committee. The Committee sent it to the floor with a do-pass recommendation. On Thursday March 9th the bill passed the house 62-6. Next step is to present the bill to the Senate Resource and Environment Committee.

Oil and Gas Townhall
On Wednesday, April 12, I will be holding an Oil and Gas Townhall in Fruitland, Idaho to answer questions from the public on oil and gas related matters. This is the first Townhall held since the covid pandemic began. The Townhall will be from 6:30PM to 7:30PM. Payette County resident are encouraged to attend.

Oil and Gas Financial Snapshot
      • Since taking ownership of the field SROG has paid ~$8 million in royalties. Most of that has been in 2021 and 2022.
      • Royalties have been paid to ~275 owners. These owners are mostly private, but the State of Idaho and the City of Fruitland have received royalties as well.
      • December 2022 royalties – $1.5MM.
      • Calendar year 2022 royalties paid – $5.3MM.
            o City of Fruitland royalties paid – $110K.
            o Individual (private) royalties paid – $4.9MM.
            o State of Idaho royalties paid – $240K.
      • Severance Taxes paid to the state of Idaho in CY2022 – $770K.
      • Salaries paid for the field in CY2022
            o Land services $450K
            o Field and plant personnel $620K
            o Combined $1.07MM.
      • Taxes paid to cities – ~$100K.

This data was provided by Snake River Oil & Gas.

Field Status
Production continues to be steady in the field. National infrastructure shortfalls have reduced natural gas supply to the northwest united states, creating a higher cost of natural gas in our region. Supplies from the Idaho operator are improving this situation. Severance tax for January and February 2023 totaled $163,694.

Commission 4th Quarter Report

News Article(s) of Interest
Industry sues the city of Portland for essentially blockading domestic hydrocarbon exports. See link and attachment.
State of Montana, fuel industry sue Portland over city’s gas transport rules – OPB

Idaho Attorney General Labrador sues Biden administration to reverse WOTUS rule. See link and attachment.
Local News: AG Labrador Sues Biden Administration To Reverse WOTUS Rule (2/28/23) | Mountain Home News

Current Prices

Natural Gas (EIA NW US spot price)   $5.51 MMBtu.   03/09/23 (23.7% / $1.31 decrease since last month)
NGL (EIA)          $8.81 MMBtu.     03/08/22 (10.4% / $0.83 increase since last month)
WTI $75.60 bbl.    03/09/22 (3.2% / $2.46 decrease since last month)

OGCC Secretary Update – February 2023

Note: This post was originally posted on February 15, 2023. Due to switching over to the updated website format, the post had to be re-posted. 

Mick Thomas

Division Administrator – Minerals, Navigable Waters, and Oil & Gas

Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

This update was sent to the Commission on Friday, February 10, 2023.

February 2023 Secretary Update

Current Items:

OGCC Regular Meeting
Monthly Production and Sales for November 2022
Docket No. CC-2022-OGR-01-002, Application for Integration
Docket No. CC-2023-OGR-01-001, Application for Integration
2023 Legislature – Oil and Gas Statute
Injection Well Update
Field Status
News Article(s) of Interest
Current Prices

OGCC Regular Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission will be held on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 1:30pm. Due to the Legislature being in session, the meeting will be held in Boise City Council Chambers at Boise City Hall. More information can be found on the Commission Meetings page.

Monthly Production and Sales for November 2022
The November 2022 and December 2022 monthly reports are now available and posted. Please see the Monthly and Annual Reports page for more information. NOTE: Henry Hub gas prices are down over 60% in two months, over a $4.00 drop per MMBtu.

Docket No. CC-2022-OGR-01-002, Application for Integration
The order for this case will be sent out next week. More information for this application and hearing can be found on the Docket No. CC-2022-OGR-01-002 hearing webpage.

Docket No. CC-2023-OGR-01-001, Application for Integration
The Department received an Application for Integration from Snake River Oil & Gas, LLC on January 23, 2023. The Department has scheduled the hearing to determine “just and reasonable” factors for Tuesday, March 14, 2023. More information for this application and hearing can be found on the Docket No. CC-2023-OGR-01-001 hearing webpage.

2023 Legislature – Oil and Gas Statute
On Thursday, February 9, 2023, I introduced the Commissions revisions to Idaho Code 47-3 to the Idaho House Resource and Conservation Committee. There were no questions after my introduction, and the Committee unanimously recommended the bill be introduced. The next step is for the RS containing our changes to be assigned a bill number and read on the floor. There is a link to additional information on our Commission website. https://legislature.idaho.gov/resources/howabillbecomesalaw/
We will also continue to keep the webpage for the Proposed Statutory changes for title 47, chapter 3 updated as we move forward.

Injection Well Update
On November 3, 2022 EPA Region 10 issued a Class II Disposal Well Permit to Snake River Oil and Gas, LLC and approved an associated Aquifer Exemption for the Willow Sand in Willow Field. The permit took effect December 19, 2022 at 12:01 AM. The documents can be viewed on the EPA Region 10 web page here. The department has not discussed a specific timeline with the operator for bringing the injection well to an active status, but Snake River has indicated that it could be as long as 12 to 18 months.

Field Status
Drilling operations are complete for the Irvin 1-19 and Barlow 3-14 wells in Harmon Field. Testing and completion operations commenced the week of November 28th and were completed in mid-January. Both wells have been designated as confidential under Idaho Code § 47-327.

News Article(s) of Interest
Risch, Crapo, Lummis Reintroduce Legislation Defending American Energy and Mining Industries: https://www.risch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/pressreleases?ID=2850DA61-C4C6-40D6-ABC0-E26BADCAC894

City of Fruitland Idaho denies leasing agreement: (attached)

Current Prices

Natural Gas (HH)*       $2.42 MMBtu.             02/08/23 (35.5% / $1.33 decrease since last month)
NGL (EIA) $7.98 MMBtu.             02/08/22 (5.1% / $0.39 increase since last month)
Utah Sweet Crude $68.67 bbl.                  02/09/22 (2.5% / $1.79 decrease since last month)
WTI $78.06 bbl.                  02/09/22 (10.2% / $5.22 increase since last month)

December Monthly Report

Note: This post was originally posted on February 10, 2023. Due to switching over to the updated website format, the post had to be re-posted. 

The December 2022 monthly report is now available. Please see the Monthly and Annual Reports page for more information.

November Monthly Report

The November 2022 monthly report is now available. Please see the Monthly and Annual Reports page for more information.

OGCC Secretary Update – January 2023

Mick Thomas

Division Administrator – Minerals, Navigable Waters, and Oil & Gas

Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

This update was sent to the Commission on Saturday, January 7, 2023.

January 2023 Secretary Update

Current Items:

Monthly Production and Sales for October 2022
Docket No. CC-2022-OGR-01-002, Application for Integration
2023 Legislature convenes
Injection Well Update
Field Status
News Article(s) of Interest
Current Prices

Monthly Production and Sales for October 2022
The October 2022 monthly report is now available. Please see the Monthly and Annual Reports page for more information.

Docket No. CC-2022-OGR-01-002, Application for Integration
The Evidentiary Hearing will be held next Thursday, January 12, 2023. More information for this application and hearing can be found on the Docket No. CC-2022-OGR-01-002 hearing webpage.

2023 Legislature convenes
The 2023 Legislature convenes Monday, January 9, 2023. I will continue to keep the Commission updated on the progress of the Oil and Gas Act Modernization bill. We will also continue to keep the webpage for the Proposed Statutory changes for title 47, chapter 3 updated as we move forward.

Injection Well Update
On November 3, 2022, EPA Region 10 issued a Class II Disposal Well Permit to Snake River Oil and Gas, LLC and approved an associated Aquifer Exemption for the Willow Sand in Willow Field. The permit took effect December 19, 2022, at 12:01 AM. The documents can be viewed on the EPA Region 10 web page here. The department has not discussed a specific timeline with the operator for bringing the injection well to an active status, but Snake River has indicated that it could be as long as 12 to 18 months.

Field Status
• Drilling operations are complete for the Irvin 1-19 and Barlow 3-14 wells in Harmon Field. Testing and completion operations commenced the week of November 28th and are ongoing. Both wells have been designated as confidential under Idaho Code § 47-327.
• On December 15th, 2022, the department declared the Kauffman 1-9 well inactive per the requirements set forth in IDAPA https://adminrules.idaho.gov/rules/current/20/200702.pdf. Production has not been reported on that well since October 2018. The well record has been updated and all documents can be viewed on the well file page: https://ogcc.idaho.gov/well-files/uswn-11-075-20027-kauffman-1-9/. Snake River performed a Mechanical Integrity Test on the Kauffman 1-9 well on December 16, 2022. The well surpassed the minimum guidelines provided by the department.

News Article(s) of Interest
None this month.

Current Prices

Natural Gas (HH)* $3.75 MMBtu.   01/04/23 (44.9% / $3.05 decrease since last month)
NGL (EIA) $7.59 MMBtu.  12/21/22 (8.6% / $0.71 decrease since last month)
Utah Sweet Crude $70.46 bbl.   12/30/22 (3.0% / $2.06 increase since last month)
WTI $72.84 bbl.   12/01/22 (10.2% / $8.38 decrease since last month)


* Gas prices for the month of December were generally much higher in the western United States, with peaks in the $45.00-$50.00 range per MMBtu. The market has since adjusted and prices are back down. We will not know the impact of these spikes on Idaho production and sales until the operator provides sales data, which is due for December on February 14th, 2023, per Idaho Code.