OGCC Secretary Update

Mick Thomas

Division Administrator – Minerals, Public Trust, and Oil & Gas

Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

This update was sent to the Commission on Saturday, December 11.

December 2021 Secretary Update

Current Items:
Field Status
Dutch Lane #1-13 APD Approved
Annual Inspections
Third Quarter 2021 – Quarterly Report
Proposed Legislation Idaho Code 47-3
IOGCC meeting
News Article(s) of Interest
Current Prices

Field Status
In Harmon Field, the Fallon #1-11 well has completed drilling operations. Snake River Oil & Gas has designated this as a Confidential Well per Idaho Code § 47-327.

Dutch Lane #1-13 APD Approved
The permit for the Dutch Lane #1-13 well was approved by the Department November 17, 2021. The proposed well is located approximately one mile southeast of the Fallon #1-11 and is also in Harmon Field. The operator expects to begin moving in and rigging up to commence drilling operations the week of December 4th.

Annual Inspections
Annual inspections on all wells and facilities in Payette County were completed the week of November 28th and the final inspection reports are being compiled. The annual inspection for the Fallon #1-10 was not performed due to pending planned operations by Snake River Oil & Gas. Once those operations are completed, the Department will complete the inspection.

Third Quarter 2021 – Quarterly Report
Attached is the quarterly report for the 3rd quarter of 2021.

Proposed Legislation Idaho Code 47-3
The Department received oral comments from the November 16, OGCC meeting and five written comments on the first draft text. The Department will be reviewing those comments and working on a second draft text during this month of December.

IOGCC meeting
The Annual Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission held our annual meeting on November 7th through 9th in Santa Fe New Mexico. James Thum and I attended on behalf of Idaho.
While oil & gas prices have recovered in the past several months, this annual meeting covered a broader array of topics than in years past. The majority of states understand that the U.S. is moving toward a more diverse energy industry and are working with operators, NGO’s, federal partners, and other states to best serve the changing regulatory needs of the industry.
Below is a link to all of the presentations held during the meeting if you would like to review.
Annual Conference Presentations | Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (ok.gov)

News Article(s) of Interest
Exxon Mobil plans to go net-zero in the Permian Basin

Nations power grid needs expansion to meet anticipated renewable energy production
Renewable Energy Is Great—but the Grid Can Slow It Down | WIRED

Idaho moves ahead on plan to appraise federal land for taxes

Current Prices

Utah Sweet Crude $61.64 bbl. 12/10/21 (11.4% / $7.87 decrease since last report)
WTI $71.94 bbl. 12/10/21 (11.6% / $9.40 decrease since last report)
Natural Gas $3.79 mmbtu. 12/08/21 (32.2% / $1.80 decrease since last report)
NGL $9.20 mmbtu.  12/08/21 (23.7% / $2.86 decrease since last report)

(green indicates prices increase since last update, red indicates decline)

September Monthly Report

The September 2021 monthly report is now available. Please see the Monthly and Annual Reports page for more information.

Application for permit to drill approved – Dutch Lane #1-13

The Department has approved the Dutch Lane #1-13 application for permit to drill. More information can be found on the Dutch Lane #1-13 well file page. 

Idaho Code title 47, chapter 3 – Proposed Statutory Changes

The first draft text of proposed statutory changes has been posted to the Idaho Code title 47, chapter 3 – Proposed Statutory Changes webpage. This draft text #1 will be presented at the November 16, 2021 Commission meeting. The Commission will give oral comments and also will be accepting oral public comment on the first draft text. The Department will accept written comments on this first draft from November 16-30, 2021.

OGCC Secretary Update

Mick Thomas

Division Administrator – Minerals, Public Trust, and Oil & Gas

Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

This update was sent to the Commission on Saturday, November 6.

November 2021 Secretary Update

Current Items:
Field Status
Dutch Lane #1-13 APD Received
Injection Well Update
IOGCC meeting
News Article(s) of Interest
Current Prices

Field Status
In Harmon Field, the Barlow 2-14 was drilled and completed in October. The operator has designated this as a Confidential Well per Idaho Code §47-327. Completion and other information will be released to the public beginning April 13, 2022. The log data will be released beginning October 12, 2022 (1 year).

The Fallon 1-11, also in Harmon Field, spudded November 1, 2021 and has also been designated as a Confidential well. Operations are expected to be completed by late-November.

Representatives from the BLM along with IDL witnessed meter proving in Willow Field in mid-October for the Kauffman 1-34, ML Investments 1-3 and ML Investments 2-3 wells. The operator has installed proving loops at the well separators in order to test the meters under field conditions as required by the BLM. The Department received copies of the test results from the BLM (all meters passed) and is coordinating with them on their future inspection schedule.

Dutch Lane #1-13 APD Received
Snake River Oil & Gas, LLC submitted an application for permit to drill which is under review by the Department. The application and other information can be found on the Well Permit Applications page (https://ogcc.idaho.gov/well-permit-applications/). The Department is accepting comments on this application through November 16, 2021. This well is located on the east side of Harmon Field, and will likely be drilled in late-November or early December 2021.

Injection Well Update
EPA is continuing its evaluation of the injection well application from Snake River Oil & Gas. The Department has responded to inquiries from them regarding our statutes and rules for well plugging requirements in the state. EPA has not given any indication of the status of the application or timeframe for their recommendation on the permit.

IOGCC meeting
The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission is holding it’s first in person meeting annual meeting since 2019. Department staff will be attending this meeting in Santa Fe from Saturday, November 6 to Tuesday November 9. We look forward to sharing with the other ~35 member states how the industry has turned around in Idaho thanks to the new operator.

News Article(s) of Interest
Negative narrative continues from Oregon newspaper on Idaho Oil & Gas:
See Independent Enterprise attachment (PDF)

Teton Regional Land Trust announces protection of 3 properties (NOTE: COMMISSIONER HINCHCLIFF)

Biden says he worries that cutting oil production too fast will hurt working people

US to gauge climate damage from federal oil & gas sales

U.S. Interior to weigh greenhouse gas emissions of proposed 2022 oil lease sales

Shell Oil plans to construct a new renewable gas facility in Southern Idaho

Current Prices

Utah Sweet Crude $69.51 bbl.  11/04/21 ($0.51 increase since last month)
WTI $81.34 bbl.   11/05/21 ($1.33 increase since last month)
Natural Gas $5.59 mmbtu.  11/04/21 ($0.36 decrease since last month)
NGL $12.06 mmbtu.  11/04/21 ($0.30 decrease since last month)

(green indicates prices increase since last update, red indicates decline)

2022 Administrative Hearings schedule posted

The 2022 Administrative Hearings schedule has been updated and posted to the Administrative Hearings page. The schedule also includes deadlines to submit an application for a hearing.

Application for Permit to Drill (Dutch Lane #1-13) Under Review

Snake River Oil & Gas, LLC submitted an application for permit to drill which is under review by the Department. The application and other information can be found on the Well Permit Applications page. The Department is accepting comments on this application through November 16, 2021.

August Monthly Report

The August 2021 monthly report is now available. Please see the Monthly and Annual Reports page for more information.

OGCC Secretary Update

Mick Thomas

Division Administrator – Minerals, Public Trust, and Oil & Gas

Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

This update was sent to the Commission on Saturday, October 9.

October 2021 Secretary Update

Current Items:
Field Status
Fallon #1-11 APD approved
Injection Well Update
News Article(s) of Interest
Current Prices

Field Status
The Departments oil and gas inspector was on site this past weekend and early week for the drilling of the Barlow 2-14. The report is being compiled and will be available soon. Last update was that the BOP was being installed, and the rig will be moving to the Fallon 1-11 well within the next 10-14 days.

Fallon #1-11 APD approved
The Fallon #1-11 APD was approved on October 2, 2021. The approval and permit can be found on the well file page:

Injection Well Update
The EPA and State of Idaho are in communication regarding appropriate responsibility for the produced water pipeline from the DJS 2-14 to the Little Willow facility. We will keep the commission up to date as this is resolved.

News Article(s) of Interest
Storing energy from renewables – hydrogen hubs planned for Idaho and other western states
Mitsubishi Power to Build Hydrogen Infrastructure Across US West, other Regions: CFO – World-Energy

Bureau of Land Management headquarters to return to D.C., reversing Trump decision

Boise to reach 100% clean electricity goal by 2033 thanks to existing hydroelectric and geothermal generation combined with the sale of renewable energy credits to reduce rates

Natural gas continues to be a vital bridge fuel towards renewables

Gasoline prices in Idaho remained high after Labor Day as a result of hurricane Ida
Annual gas price drop delayed by Ida (kmvt.com)

Current Prices

Utah Sweet Crude $69.00 bbl. 10/07/21 (~$10.00 increase since last month)
WTI $79.50 bbl. 10/08/21 (~$10.00 increase since last month)
Natural Gas $5.95 mmbtu. 10/06/21 (~$1.00 increase since last month)
NGL $12.36 mmbtu. 10/06/21 (~$2.00 increase since last month)

(green indicates prices increase since last update, red indicates decline)

Application for permit to drill approved – Fallon #1-11

The Department has approved the Fallon #1-11 application for permit to drill. More information can be found on the Fallon #1-11 well file page.