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The Idaho Oil and Gas Conservation Commission regulates the exploration, drilling and production of oil and gas resources to ensure the conservation of oil and gas and the protection of correlative rights and surface and groundwater.

The Oil and Gas Program resides under the Minerals, Navigable Waters, and Oil & Gas Division within the Idaho Department of Lands  and serves as the administrative arm of the Commission.

OGCC Secretary Update – July 2024

Shannon Chollett Division Administrator – Minerals, Navigable Waters, and Oil & Gas Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission This update was sent to the Commission on Monday, July 8, 2024. July 2024 Secretary Update Current Items: IDAPA 20.07.02 Rulemaking Update Docket No. CC-2024-OGR-01-001, Application for SpacingField Status /

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OGCC Secretary Update – June 2024

Shannon Chollett Division Administrator – Minerals, Navigable Waters, and Oil & Gas Secretary to the Oil & Gas Conservation Commission This update was sent to the Commission on Friday, June 7, 2024. June 2024 Secretary Update Current Items: New Division Administrator Shannon Chollett2024 First Quarter Commission ReportIDAPA 20.07.02 Rulemaking Update

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